The IV edition of AITANA TOUR is a non-competitive event or test (cyclosportive march) to be held in Callosa d’en Sarrià (Marina Baixa) and will run along roads in the province of Alicante.

Article 1.- Regulations

The IV edition of the AITANA TOUR is a cyclosportive event regulated in article 9 of the RFEC Cycle Tourism-Cycling for All Regulations, that is, as a cyclosportive event with an appreciable degree of difficulty (mileage or gradient) and where participation and individual effort are a motivation for personal improvement. Participants will be identified with bibs or badges on their bicycles. A census will be drawn up of all the participants who finish the race, and medals will be awarded with a certificate of mileage and approximate time spent on the route, all within the framework of a cycling speciality that conceives this sport as a physical exercise for leisure, tourist or cultural purposes. The tests shall be subject to the provisions of Annex II of Royal Decree 1428/2003, of 21 November, which approves the General Traffic Regulations for the application and development of the articulated text of the Law on traffic, circulation of motor vehicles and road safety, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990, of 2 March.

The march will take place with traffic closed in the space between the red and green flags and without encroaching into the oncoming lane..
Los tramos de circulación ordinaria
remain open to general traffic.

At all times, participants must respect the orders of the officers of the Guardia Civil Traffic Group and the members of the organisation.

These regulations have been reviewed and approved by the competent authorities in accordance with the legislation in force.

Article 2.– Route, timetable, date and venue

The IV edition of the AITANA TOUR will take place on the 1st of June 2025, with a single route of 160 kilometres and 3,375 metres of accumulated vertical drop (the ‘grand fondo route’), giving participants the option and/or obligation at the control point to reduce the distance to 90 kilometres and 1,850m of accumulated vertical drop (the ‘medio fondo route’) when passing through the finish line in the first half of the route.

The route will have a checkpoint, where any participant who does not have the strength to complete the entire route can cut it short and turn off towards the finish line, or who has chosen to do so when registering. This check point will be set at kilometre 89.3 located in the town of Callosa d’en Sarrià CV-715. The cut-off time at this point will be at 11:30h (5h from the start – average approx. 18 km/h), so anyone arriving after this time will be obliged to stay at the finish line.

The start and finish line will be from the Callosa d’en Sarrià Sports Centre, located in Pla del Galbis, Callosa d’en Sarrià (CP: 03510) and the start time will be at 7:30 am.

The race is open to all cyclists over 18 years of age and under 75 years of age on the day of the race.

Traffic will be controlled but open, which obliges participants to respect the rules of the road at all times.

Article 3.– Cut-off points and recommendation

The IV edition of AITANA TOUR, is a NON COMPETITIVE race, for which a total average speed of 25 km/h has been established, which can be altered at any time under the requirements of the Guardia Civil.

The March will be ‘neutralised’ at a constant speed depending on the gradient in order to try as much as possible to get as many participants as possible inside the safety capsule.

On each timed section the speed shall be free, each rider being able to accelerate according to his abilities. Once the timed section is finished, the speed will be controlled again according to the parameters of the race.

The peloton will be accompanied by the Guardia Civil between the red and green flags (safety capsule), bearing in mind that if the green flag passes the participants, they will be out of the Safety Capsule but not out of the race, being able to finish the race respecting all the rules of the road as normal road users.

There will be a broom vehicle at the end of the peloton to accompany the last stragglers who have been overtaken by the green flag, and to pick up any competitor who wishes to abandon the race.

The overall average speed of the broom vehicle will be about 17 km/h.This allows any participant to finish the test supported by it in a maximum of 8 hours. If the broom vehicle overtakes the participant, it will become a normal user of public roads and will be excluded from the coverage of the march, as well as from the control of the arrival time.

The middle distance is recommended to be done between 3 and 5 hours, and the long distance between 5 and 8 hours.

The finishing time for the race will be approximately 16:30 for the long-distance and 13:30 for the middle-distance. The maximum time for the completion of the race is 9:00 hours for the long-distance and 6:00 hours for the middle-distance.

The organisers, by order of the police, may regroup (except on the timed sections) during the course of the march, so as not to jeopardise the safety of all the participants. For example, when an ambulance from outside the organisation is on the march route, or when the majority of participants are outside the safety capsule.

The route will be clearly signposted using a system of arrows and panels. The organisation will make GPX files of the route available, and their use is recommended for cyclists with a GPS terminal.

Article 4.- Refuelling and mechanical service

The organisation will have 5 refreshment posts along the route, 3 with liquids and solids and 2 with liquids only. In addition, at the finish line there will be a BIG MEAL for all participants at the end of the race. Accompanying persons may purchase a FOOD VOUCHER on the website up to 15 days before the race or at the EXPO ZONE on the weekend of the race.

The 5 refreshment posts on the course will be dismantled when the broom wagon passes the refreshment post.

During the race there will be medical, mechanical and support cars for participants, as well as ambulances with doctors, ATS and Civil Protection.

The mechanical assistance will be treated as a courtesy service, which in case of breakdown of a registered participant, the labour and the replacement of the camera will be free of charge. Any other spare parts shall be at the participant’s expense. Only those repairs that can be remedied on the road will be taken into account. All participants must carry spare parts and be self-sufficient.

It is recommended that each participant carries the basic tools and spare parts for the entire ride, and that the bicycle has been previously checked by a mechanic to ensure its safety and correct functioning.

Article 5.-Registrations

Prior registration with the organisers is compulsory. The organisation will assign each participant a bib number once they have registered. Questions and doubts with the organisation will be answered via email to and never via whatsapp or social networks of the test.

The registration fees for the registration participant are as follows, irrespective of the route option:

Participants in the III edition will be able to gain early access from 27 September to 6 October at a price of 49 euros.

From 6 October, registration will be open to the public with the following sections:

  • The first 100 registrations: 54 euros.
  • Until 500 registrations are completed or until 15/12/2024: 59 euros.
  • Until 800 registrations are completed or until 09/03/2024: 69 euros.
  • Until the quota of 1500 participants is reached or registration closes: 79 euros.

The closing date for entries will be 18 May 2025 at 23:59h.

If all registrations are filled, a waiting list will be set up. The price for new registrations admitted from the waiting list or after the deadline will be 95 euros.

Registrations can be made through the website by debit or credit card, which is the only way to pay. No late registrations or pre-registrations will be accepted. Once registration has been completed, no changes or cancellations can be made for any reason whatsoever, except for the cancellation insurance taken out at the time of registration.

Registrations are strictly personal and non-transferable. They may not be used by any person other than the registered person. It is not possible to substitute one participant for another or to transfer participants for future editions.

In the case of registration using an invitation or discount registration voucher, the beneficiary of this voucher cannot in any case claim a refund or credit of the registration or of the amount not paid or discounted for the use of the voucher. Registrations made using this type of voucher are personal and non-transferable and can never be carried over from one edition to the next. Registrations made with invitation vouchers are exempt from the Cancellation Insurance coverage. A registration voucher obtained by means of a draw, promotion, sponsorship, or similar, grants the sole right to participate, never on the economic value of the registration.

The deadline to change the size of the jersey or the distance chosen in the registration process will be 28 April 2025 at 23:59h. The registered rider must communicate the change by email to

Article 6.- Bib and chip collection

The collection of bibs, identification bracelet and participant’s bag will only take place in the Expo Zone, located in the Callosa d’en Sarrià Sports Centre, on Saturday 31/05/2025 from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, and on Sunday 1/06/2025 from 6:00 am to 7:00 am.

The collection of bibs by a third party is not permitted, unless the authorisation form, which is available on the race website, is presented.

To collect the race bib and the identification bracelet it is compulsory to present the D.N.I. or the R.F.E.C. licence for federated cyclists and the D.N.I. for non-federated cyclists. Registrations are strictly personal and non-transferable and cannot be used by anyone other than the person registered. It is not possible to substitute one participant for another.

If the participant is a mentally handicapped adult, the guardian must be present with the participant to collect the bib and wristband.

The chip is attached to the bib itself, forming a unit with it. The chip bib and the identification bracelet are personal and non-transferable items. The registered person will only be able to participate with the bib and wristband assigned to him/her and agrees not to allow other people to use it. No claims will be accepted for loss of the chip or placement in an inappropriate place.

Article 7.- Federation Insurance

To participate it is compulsory to be a member of the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation, or to assume, at the time of registration on the website, the payment of the compulsory insurance of 10.90 euros to participate in the race.

The fact that the user is a member of a federation outside Spain, or that the user is a member of a federation other than the RFEC (such as, for example, the Federación de Cicloturismo (FCT)) will not exempt the user from paying the compulsory insurance fee to participate in the event. In these cases other than the RFEC licence, the user will assume the payment of the price of the compulsory insurance to participate in the event. Participation in the event is at the participants’ own risk and responsibility.

Those participants who do NOT present the RFEC federative licence at the time of collecting the bib, and do not have the compulsory insurance contracted, will have to pay the accident and civil liability insurance, for one day, that the organisation has contracted for the participant and as required by the Valencian Community Cycling Federation. In these cases, i.e, when the participant has registered as FEDERATED and in reality IS NOT FEDERATED, he/she will have to pay a surcharge of 16 euros at the time of collecting the race-bib corresponding to the cost of the insurance.

The one-day licence or insurance will cover accidental situations and liabilities caused by the participants, during the day of the race from the start time until the end time of the race.

The participant, at the time of registration, declares that he/she is physically fit for the event. It is the obligation of each cyclist to ensure before participating in the event that he/she is in perfect health and is fit for the physical effort required to participate in the event.

Article 8.- Rules for the participant

Rules for the participant of the IV edition of Aitana Tour:

  • The participant undertakes to respect the traffic regulations in force.
  • All participants will be obliged to wear the official Aitana Tour jersey included in the registration for the entire race.
  • The use of an approved cycling helmet is mandatory.
  • All participants will be obliged to wear the race bib and chip during the entire route on the front of the bicycle (handlebars), clearly visible, without folding and without hiding or altering the advertising.
  • Each participant is responsible for any infraction of the Highway Code. You must ride on the right, not encroaching on the opposite direction of traffic, as this is a cycle-sport march and NOT a competition.
  • The route is mostly on secondary roads without hard shoulders, so extreme caution should be exercised.
  • The passes have long downhill stretches with some dangerous bends and sections where extreme caution should be exercised.
  • The signs provided by the organisers must be followed along the route.
  • The participant undertakes not to throw anything on the ground, to use the containers and bins located at the refreshment posts. During the route, keep waste in your pocket until you reach the refreshment post or finish line.
  • All participants outside the safety capsule must remember that they are riding in open traffic and must respect all traffic rules and road signs, as if they were normal road users.
  • It is forbidden for the participant to be towed by any vehicle external to the organisation.
  • The participant commits him/herself to take the place permitted by his/her bib number at the starting line.
  • The participant will not be allowed to have his/her own support vehicle during the race.
  • The participant must respect all the members of the organisation of the event, as well as the staff involved in the celebration of the event.

Anyone who does not comply with these conditions or the present regulations will be declared a NON-PARTICIPANT in the march, and will not be allowed access to the start on the day of the race or appear on the list of participants, nor will they receive the services provided by the organisation.

Members of the organisation or the State security forces and bodies may be declared NON-PARTICIPANT. The organisation reserves the right to take action against persons who violate these regulations, including the prohibition to participate in future editions of the march.

The organisation is also committed to the rest of the participants and the authorities to carry out, in addition to the expulsion from the race, the following sanctions:

    • Disqualification from the race, without the right to a diploma or medal.
    • Inclusion in the lists of sanctioned participants, for subsequent publication.
    • Prohibition to participate in other editions of the race.
    • Such actions shall be sanctioned by the authorities in accordance with the provisions in force.

Article 9.-Bicycles permitted

Any road bike may participate, but time trial, triathlon, MTB and the use of couplers are excluded.

Those who participate on a tandem bicycle in pairs may participate provided that:

  • Both participants are registered in separate registrations.
  • Inform the organisation that you are going to participate with a tandem by sending an email to indicating the registration of both participants.

Bicycles with electric pedal assistance are allowed to participate as long as they do NOT exceed 25km/h with pedal assistance and are identified as an electric bicycle participant.

Article 10.- Garbage

It is forbidden to throw any kind of waste such as rubbish, wrappers, jerry cans, bicycle spare parts such as inner tubes or detachable parts, under penalty of exclusion from the race.

Article 11.- Accompanying cars

The circulation of cars not authorised by the organisation is forbidden, accompanying the March in accordance with the Traffic Regulations.

Any participant seen to be towed or supported by any vehicle will be sanctioned by the organisation.

The organization’s vehicles will carry a sign attached to the model and clearly identified on the visible part of the vehicle.

Article 12.- Right of exclusion

The Club Deportivo Aitana Tour reserves the right to exclude from the march any participant whose behaviour endangers his/her physical integrity and that of the other participants, as well as for non-compliance with the Civil Code and these Regulations. It is strictly forbidden to throw dirt during the March, environmental agents will monitor these facts and it will be a direct reason for expulsion.

Not wearing a visible race bib or the official jersey of the IV Aitana Tour will also be a reason for exclusion.

Article 13.- Right of admission

The organisers reserve the right of admission to the event.
Likewise, persons who have been sanctioned for doping either by the UCI or by any other national federation or organisation with the corresponding powers may not start or may be excluded by the organisers at any time, before or during the race. If a participant is in these circumstances and has to be excluded, the registration fee will be forfeited.

Article 14.-Responsibility for personal belongings

The participant exempts the Organisation from liability for loss or damage to personal belongings (e.g. bicycles or equipment) for any reason whatsoever during the race.

Article 15.– Responsibility in the event of suspension of the march

The Organisation will not assume any responsibility if the event is suspended or postponed due to force majeure or force majeure beyond the organisation’s control.

For the purposes of these regulations, force majeure is understood to be any circumstance of an unforeseeable and unavoidable nature that affects the holding of the event, such as extraordinary natural events such as floods, earthquakes, lightning strikes, epidemic and pandemic situations, governmental, regional or local orders, as well as any order by any public body that affects the holding of the event.

Artículo 16.- Organisation

The Provincial Traffic Headquarters, Guardia Civil, Municipal Police, Civil Protection and Fire Brigade will ensure the safety of the march.

The organisation will designate a group of volunteers and liaison motorbikes whose function will be to ensure the safety of the event, and to collaborate in respecting the environment. These collaborators will have the right to communicate to the organisation the incorrect behaviour of any participant of the conduct described in these regulations. These communications shall have the same value as reports made by the organisation itself.

The official form of communication to participants will be through the publication of news on the official website and social networks of the event. Although mailings will also be sent to participants, this is an alternative method, as the vast majority of these messages do not reach the recipients due to anti-spam filters.

Article 17.-Awards and Finisher Medal

Awards: Special recognition will be given to the following participants:

  • The largest club.
  • To the oldest cyclist.
  • To the oldest female cyclist.
  • To the youngest cyclist.
  • To the youngest cyclist.

In the route there will be four chrono-climbs scoring for the mountain awards, specifically will be in:

  • The port of Tudons
  • The port of Confrides
  • The port of Sa Creueta
  • The port of Coll de Rates

At each pass, the first three will be awarded points for the mountain classification and commemorative trophies as follows:

  • The first, three points
  • The second, two points
  • The third, one point
In the event of a tie, the time of the Coll de Rates time trial will decide the tie-breaker.
At the end of the race, the points of the four chrono-climbs will be added up to award the mountain prizes to:
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in the Men’s Gran Fondo Climbing Time Trial.
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in the Gran Fondo Women’s Climbing Time Trial.
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in the Men’s Medio Fondo Climbing Time Trial.
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in the Women’s Climbing Medio Fondo Time Trial.

Likewise, all participants will receive,

  • Upon collection of the race bib, the corresponding bag with the gifts that the organization may have agreed upon until the date of the march.
  • At the end of the race, a finisher’s medal will be awarded to all participants who complete the course.

No prize will be sent by post.

Article 18 – Option of cancellation of registration

The participant, at the time of registration on the website, may contract an optional clause for cancellation of registration, which will have a cost of 10 euros.

This option will allow the participant to request the organisation to refund the registration fee WITHOUT ANY REASON, discounting the cost of the cancellation clause, i.e. the 10 euros as the administration and bank charges corresponding to the registration process and the refund process.

This optional clause will only be valid for contracting until 28 April 2025 at 23:59h, and the deadline for its use will be 5 May 2025 at 23:59h.

The refund of the total amount paid during the registration process will be credited to the credit/debit card used for payment. The participant will not be entitled to collect the race jersey, the runner’s bag or any other service provided by the organisation.

To request a refund, the participant must send an email to, stating that he/she has taken out cancellation insurance and that he/she wishes to receive a refund minus the aforementioned costs.

Article 19.-Refund of registration

Once the registration has been made and accepted, the total amount of the registration fee WILL NOT BE REFUNDED..
Sólo será reembolsada el 100% de la inscripción en los siguientes casos:

  • The registered participant must present a certificate of medical injury before 18 May at 23:59h, issued by a registered doctor stating the description of the injury and the reason why he/she is unable to take part in the march.
  • For not having taken part in the event as the quota of participants has been filled.
  • By imperative of the Public Administration to restrict the number of participants.
  • For undue receipts as a result of payment errors.
  • By having subscribed to the cancellation clause set out in article 18 of this regulation, and that the conditions of this clause are met.

In the event that the Organisation or the competent public authorities decree the suspension or postponement of the date of the event due to risks that may affect the safety of the participants or prevent it from being held correctly or due to force majeure (**), the registration fee will be refunded provided that the new date of the event is beyond 2026, i.e. if the date is modified and it is later than 31 December 2026, the participants will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee. Therefore, in case of suspension and if the postponement is before 31 December 2026, the registration fee will not be refunded except for those who have taken out the cancellation insurance of article 18 of the present regulations.

In any case of postponement of the event, any other expenses incurred by the change of date shall be borne by the registrant (hotels, reservations, cancellation fees, flights, trains, taxis, transfers, travel, meals, fuel, etc.).

In the event that the route of the IV edition of the Aitana Tour is modified, on the recommendation of the competent public authorities, there will be no right to a refund of the registration fee.

(*) Expenses arising from refunds or transfers shall be borne by the registered runner.

Se entienden como causas de fuerza mayor las contempladas en el artículo 15 del presente reglamento.

The organisation will not assume any responsibility if the event is suspended or postponed due to force majeure or for reasons beyond the organisation’s control once the event has started, considering the start date to be the day on which the bibs are collected.

Article 20.- Image rights

Acceptance of these regulations obligatorily implies that the participant authorises the organisers of the IV edition of Aitana Tour, or if applicable the company contracted by the organisation, to record all or part of his/her participation in the same, agrees to the use of his/her image for the promotion and dissemination of the image of the IV edition of Aitana Tour in all its forms (radio, press, television, video, photo, DVD, internet, posters, media, etc.) and cedes all rights relating to its commercial and advertising exploitation that they deem appropriate to carry out, without the right to receive any financial compensation. ) and assigns all the rights related to its commercial and advertising exploitation that they consider appropriate to execute, without the right to receive any economic compensation whatsoever.

The participant must be aware of the location of the drone at all times, especially when flying at low altitude, and under no circumstances approach them. In case of a drone crash, please stay away from the drone and do not touch it. On take-offs and landings be no closer than 10 metres. Pilots shall be fully identifiable so that they can be warned of any circumstances.

Article 21.- Transfer of data

The Club Deportivo Aitana Tour guarantees full compliance with the regulations on Personal Data Protection, and thus, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679, the signatory is informed and consents to the incorporation of their data to the existing automated files in the Club and the processing of the same for use in relation to the development of administrative, commercial and other activities of the same.

The privacy policy of the Club Deportivo Aitana Tour assures you, in any case, the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in the terms established in the current legislation, by writing to the Club Deportivo Aitana Tour, Plaza de España, nº , 03510, Callosa d’en Sarrià (Alicante), being responsible for the file the Club Deportivo Aitana Tour with address to these effects in the address before indicated. The signatory accepts that his/her data may be transferred exclusively for activities necessary for the correct development of the management and internal administration of the Club Deportivo Aitana Tour. Likewise, the signatory accepts that Club Deportivo Aitana Tour may send or send him/her information about any products, procedures or services that they market. The signatory’s acceptance that his or her data may be processed or transferred in the manner set out in this paragraph is always revocable, without retroactive effect, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679.

Article 22.Acceptance

By registering for the IV edition of the AITANA TOUR, the participant affirms that he/she has read and understands all terms and conditions of these rules and regulations, and further acknowledges that he/she understands that both the participant and all registered parties waive any substantial rights, including the right to sue.

If the participant is an incapacitated adult, the parent or legal guardian is bound by these rules on behalf of the participant.

Likewise, by registering, the participant confirms that he/she accepts and undertakes to respect the regulations of the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation (RFEC).

The participant by acceptance of registration and participation in the event assumes all risk and liability for any discomfort, illness, injury or accident sustained in preparation for the event, during the event itself, while at the event location and in transit to and from the event.

Participation in the event may be dangerous if the participant is medically unfit and not properly trained.

It is the participant’s responsibility to check and verify that he/she is at all times medically and physically fit to participate in the activities related to the event.

He also undertakes to accept the directives of the organisation’s personnel and of the safety and first aid services, the risks linked to his participation, in particular health risks, risks of falling or collision, as well as risks related to road traffic and adverse weather conditions, if any.

Each participant is responsible for behaving in an environmentally friendly manner, and to this end to take all appropriate measures to protect the environment by not littering or littering the race route.

IMPORTANT: The organisers reserve the right to make any changes to these rules without prior notice or consent.

We are waiting for you at the starting line

It will certainly be a great experience. Don’t let them tell it to you.